Alaikadal (Print)

12"×18" Alaikadal Print (No Frame)

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12"×18" Alaikadal Print (No Frame)

₹ 5,000.00 INR

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Namaskaram! As a professional, I never had enough time to focus & find a guru who is extremely passionate about spreading the knowledge of music, AHUTI made it easy for me and Sivasri mam encouraged and persuaded me to start my learning journey. This is place for everyone not just to learn music but to understand the importance of music for our society & culture. Thanks team AHUTI for being a paramount part of my life.

Kavya Bhamidipati
Student at AHUTI

I am R S Srivatsan, and I am enjoying the online classes at AHUTI because of the way Sivasri akka approaches the kids. I feel homely attending the classes. Thank you for your support ma’am and always looking forward for the classes.

classical singer

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Healthy lifestyle with yoga.

We are a Yoga Studio based in Sidney, Australia. Our goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle through practice of yoga and mindfulness. Classes are held in our studio space and online. Everyone is welcome to join our little community.

About Us

All you need to know

How does meditation help me?

Meditation is a practices that can be very effective in developing coping skills and reaching a more positive outlook on life.

Why is yoga good for me?

Yoga is one of the best ways to relax your body and you mind. Practising any type of yoga can decrease all kinds of threats to your health.

Are your products natural?

We make yoga goods thet are good both for you and our environment. Improve your practice with yoga blocks and mats with bio-rubber backings for extra stability.

Do you ship worldwide?

Absolutely! The shipping cost may vary depending on where in the world you are but we make sure that our mats arrive to yogis around the world.

Can I book a class online?

Yes, it’s absolutley possible to book your class on our website, send us an email or even give us a call.

Where is the studio located?

Namaste yoga studio is located in Sedney, Australia. The adress is 756 Pennant Hills Rd, Carlingford NSW 2118, Australia

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